Susie Jones
Novinky z oboru • 3 min čtení

Síť Sever: Jaký to bude mít přínos pro řidiče kamionů?

Vytvořeno: 12.08.2024

Aktualizováno: 12.08.2024

Na začátku října vláda oznámila svůj plán zrušit stavbu HS2 a přesměrovat finanční prostředky na zlepšení dopravní infrastruktury v zemi - projekt známý jako Network North. Tento projekt poskytne 36 miliard liber na zlepšení hlavních silnic, které se staly jablkem sváru pro řidiče. Toto oznámení mnohé překvapilo, ale co to znamená pro řidiče kamionů, kteří po těchto silnicích donekonečna jezdí?

Stávající programy pro zlepšení stavu silnic

Vláda navýší financování většiny stávajících projektů hlavních silnic a velkých místních silnic. Na tyto programy se bude přispívat z 85 % na 100 %, aby se zajistilo jejich uskutečnění. Seznam programů na zlepšení silnic je k dispozici na Dodatečné financování těchto programů zlepší efektivitu silnic v celé zemi.

Systémy strategické silniční sítě

Cílem programu strategické silniční sítě je snížit dopravní zácpy a zajistit plynulejší cestování pro ty, kteří často využívají silnice. Vítaný pokrok pro řidiče kamionů, pro které se stání v zácpách stalo normou.

The North

  • Křižovatka M6 Junction 15 - Je jedním z nejvytíženějších úseků silnice ve Spojeném království, po kterém denně projede více než 127 000 vozidel, a proto již dlouho trpí velkými dopravními zácpami a nepředvídatelnými jízdními dobami. Těsné zatáčky na výpadovce se ukázaly jako náročné pro řidiče nákladních vozidel - způsobovaly převrácení a zvýšená dopravní zpoždění. Slibované změny by měly snížit dopravní zácpy a zvýšit bezpečnost křižovatky.

  • Dva projekty v severozápadním kvadrantu Manchesteru - Na M60 denně 180 00 cestují dojíždějící a dálkoví řidiči. Cílem projektů Severozápadního kvadrantu je obchvat J12-J18 a přestavba křižovatek 12, 13 a 14. Další doplňky, jako je spojovací silnice s A57 a zvýšení kapacity křižovatek devět, deset, sedmnáct a osmnáct, zlepší dopravní zácpy a jízdní doby.

  • A1 mezi městy Morpeth a Ellingham - 12,8 km dlouhý úsek je od doby, kdy byl navržen, sužován zpožděním výstavby. Cílem projektu Network North je však zahájit rozvoj rozšířením tohoto úseku silnice - zlepšení jízdní doby, bezpečnosti a odolnosti.


  • A5 mezi Hinckley a Tamworthem - Ačkoli další podrobnosti ještě nebyly zveřejněny, bylo naznačeno, že v jejich plánech bude hrát významnou roli zmírnění dopravních zácp.

  • Zlepšení koridoru A50/A500 mezi městy Stoke a Derby - tato trasa s průměrnou rychlostí ve špičce nižší než 20 km/h se ukázala jako pomalá a nespolehlivá pro řidiče nákladních vozidel a dojíždějící. Program Network North pravděpodobně:

  • Vytvoření 17 760 nových pracovních míst do roku 2061

  • Do roku 2061 se počet obyvatel v oblasti zvýší o 21 538.

  • V příštích 60 letech se hrubá přidaná hodnota (HPH) zvýší o 12,04 miliardy liber.


  • A2 Brenley Corner - síť Network North, známá jako nejpřetíženější křižovatka v Kentu, slibuje, že do této oblasti bude investovat, což je skvělá zpráva pro řidiče kamionů cestující do Doveru. Další podrobnosti o plánech rozvoje budou teprve zveřejněny. O plánech na zlepšení Brenley Corner se však hovoří již od roku 2021.


  • Zlepšení A75 mezi Gretnou a Stranraerem - A57 nutně potřebuje zprůjezdnění, protože v současné době mají řidiči kamionů povolenou rychlost 40 km/h, což způsobuje zácpy a dlouhá zpoždění. Jelikož se jedná o klíčovou trajektovou spojnici mezi Severním Irskem a Velkou Británií, řidiči kamionů, kteří tuto spojnici využívají, budou mít z projektu velký prospěch.

Zlepšená silniční infrastruktura zmírní dopravní zácpy a ušetří řidičům nákladních vozidel drahocenný čas a náklady na pohonné hmoty, což přispěje k rychlejšímu doručování. Cílem programu Network North je zlepšit život řidičů nákladních vozidel a ostatních účastníků silničního provozu zvýšením bezpečnosti a efektivity.

Kolik lidí složí zkoušku na těžké nákladní vozidlo napoprvé?

Podle zprávy Statista byla v letech 2007-2021 průměrná úspěšnost při praktické zkoušce na těžké nákladní vozidlo přibližně 50 %. Z údajů vyplývá, že v letech 2022-2023 složilo ve Spojeném království zkoušku LGV 75,9 % mužů oproti 75,9 % žen, které zkoušku složily.

Je řízení kamionu stresující?

Stejně jako u každého povolání jsou některé aspekty stresující. Dlouhé hodiny strávené mimo dosah svých blízkých mohou u mnoha řidičů způsobit osamělost a izolaci. Řízení kamionu je navíc někdy práce pod vysokým tlakem - s napjatými termíny dodávek a navigací v nepředvídatelných povětrnostních podmínkách.

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pondělí 11 listopadu 2024 • Novinky z oboru


Miranda Blake

A from independent watchdog, Transport Focus, found that nearly half of lorry drivers aren’t satisfied with the amount and quality of truck stops in England. They feel the latter has deteriorated in the last year too. Here at SNAP, we have a network of offering superior services (in fact, we’ll soon be launching our own awards celebrating the best truck stops!). So, if there are plenty of great ones out there, it begs the question: why are drivers so unhappy? First, let’s take a look at what they’re not content with. Drivers are saying they don’t feel welcome and safe at every stop. On top of this, they’re unable to properly rest or enjoy a good meal. Some of the feedback included that there’s not always available or clean showers and toilets. A female driver also commented that there isn’t a shower in the women’s bathroom – meaning she had no choice but to go into the men’s to wash. However, it’s important to point out the statistics are from those who opted to take their breaks at these rest stops, so there is likely some level of fulfilment. What’s more, the survey only asked drivers about their experience at a third of the total number of truck stops, motorway services, and those on A roads in England. Plus, there were many truck parks achieving satisfactory scores of at least 95%, with overall contentment at 86%. So, perhaps the problem isn’t as big as it seems. Though, the industry certainly can’t ignore it – especially given what our findings uncovered. We found that 70% of drivers chose lay-bys over service stations or truck stops, with a key reason being insufficient security. For instance, they’ve experienced the likes of having their curtains cut previously. Though, it’s worth noting that in 2023, Cambridgeshire police reported , compared to 27% at service stations – which suggests maybe drivers are putting their worry in the wrong place. On our social media pages, over half of lorry drivers revealed that they thought the UK’s rest stops weren’t safe and secure in comparison to those in Europe. And for spaces that do have a higher level of protection, 70% have seen these full by the early evening. Although this implies there’s an insufficient amount to meet demand, many of our sites have fantastic security. So, for those that don’t, they should consider how to improve this. We provide a variety of services to better the experience all round – including our industry-leading security packages via SNAP Access & Security. From and to , we ensure the best protection for truck stops and therefore drivers and all cargo. You can learn more about , or discover our other services (like parking and washing) .

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pondělí 14 října 2024 • Novinky z oboru


Susie Jones

Scheduled to launch in November but delayed due to concerns, the EU will introduce the Entry/Exit System (EES). The EES will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area requiring anyone with a UK passport to register biometric details such as fingerprints or a photo. EES will replace manually stamping passports when visitors enter the EU. We've collated everything you'll need to know ahead of the change.Any country using the EES will require the following information from travellers:• Place of entry and exit• Date of entry and exit• Travel documents.The EES has the following benefits:• It modernises the management of the EU's external borders improving the experience for those travelling. • The EES combats identity fraud by collecting biometric data.• It can identify overstayers and reliably provides data on entries, exits, and refusals. • Improved border checks, electronic records, and biometric data will strengthen the security within the EU.• It provides real-time information sharing allowing border authorities across the EU to see the correct information at the right time. In the long term, the new EES will streamline operations and benefit non-EU travellers. However, there are several concerns surrounding the new system:• At least three EU countries are not fully prepared for the launch.• Several countries may not be able to introduce the advanced biometric system.• No proper testing of the system occurred at the Port of Dover one of the UK's busiest crossings.• The initial launch could cause increased delays at border checkpoints. Further delays to the official launch of the EES could eradicate several of these concerns. UK HGV operators have expressed concerns regarding the 90 days out of 180 Schengen travel limit maintaining regular business operations within the EU could be challenging. Fleet companies with non-EU drivers could face travel restrictions or fines if the limit is exceeded. There isn't much that fleets and drivers can do to prepare for the new system most of it will occur in person at the port. However, fleets and drivers can take the following measures to ensure a smooth transition:• When booking travel, ensure you have all the information required before travelling to the port. • Know what to expect when you arrive practical differences mean the process will vary in different places. • Allow enough time to complete pre-travel formalities especially if you are travelling close to the start date.The following countries will be using the EES:Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.There are several exemptions to the new EES:• Nationals of the countries using the EES (Including Cyprus and Ireland).• Non-EU nationals immediately related to an EU citizen. They must hold a residence card.• Any non-EU national who holds a residence card or permit immediately related to a non-EU national can travel throughout Europe like an EU citizen. • Citizens with a residence permit or long-stay visa. • Nationals of Andorra, Monaco, and San Marino.• People with a passport issued by the Vatican City State or the Holy See.• Anyone exempt from border checks (such as heads of state or cross-border workers)• Citizens holding a valid local border traffic permit.• Crew of passenger and goods trains on international connecting journeys. • Anyone not required to cross external borders solely at border crossing points during fixed opening hours.If you fail to provide the required personal information, you will be denied entry to EU countries using the EES. For fleet companies, this could result in a loss of income if their drivers do not provide the relevant information.Both biometric and non-biometric passports are accepted under the new EES. Automated systems to cross the border require a biometric passport.

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pondělí 12 srpna 2024 • Novinky z oboru


Susie Jones

With the ongoing changes to Germany's truck toll system, it's easy to get lost in the many alterations and regulations. Almost of local truck journeys, covering roughly 200 kilometres, are already on toll roads highlighting the impact German tolls have on fleet expenditure. With the rise in toll rates, these new changes are hitting fleet companies hard. Changes to the toll in 2023 and 2024 resulted from the German government supporting The Toll Amendment Act, which adopts the following:• New toll rates• The introduction of CO2 emissions tolls• Removing toll exemption for natural gas vehicles• Extending the toll to vehicles with a permissible total weight of over 3.5 tonnes.Toll rates rose at the beginning of 2023. Three factors were decisive:• Number of axles• Emissions class• Permissible total weight of the vehicle combination.December saw the introduction of CO2 emission classes as a new tariff criterion. Calculated on a surcharge of 200 euros per tonne of CO2 emissions this is levied on all vehicles with a permissible total weight of over 7.5 tonnes. Individual surcharge amounts, in addition to the current toll, depend on emission class.• Class 1 HGVs with the highest CO2 emissions and, therefore, the highest possible surcharge. , which collects truck tolls in Germany, classifies all registered vehicles in this emission class fleet operators must contact them to apply for a better classification if eligible.• Classes 2 and 3 Both classes are assigned when entering vehicle details into the TollCollect portal.• Class 4 Low-emission trucks, for example, natural gas vehicles.• Class 5 Zero-emission trucks.On the 1st of January 2024, the toll exemption for vehicles powered by natural gas was no longer applicable.Tolls will be due for all vehicles with a technically permissible total weight of more than 3.5 tonnes. There are a few exemptions to this new change:• Emission-free vehicles with a technically permissible total weight of more than 4.25 tonnes.• Emission-free heavy commercial vehicles This exemption is effective until late December 2025.• Vehicles used by trade businesses Applicable for vehicles with a total weight of less than 7.5 tonnes.Before the 1st of July, you will need to check whether your vehicles are subject to toll, and if they are, how you want to pay the toll.• Check part one of the vehicle registration certificate in field F1. If your vehicle has a Technically Permissible Maximum Laden Mass (TPMLM) of more than 3.5 tonnes, you are subject to paying the toll. HGVs with a TPMLM of exactly 3.5 tonnes or less will not be subject to toll charges.• Vehicle combinations if the towing vehicle has a TPMLM of over 3.5 tonnes, you are subject to toll. A combination with a TPMLM over 3.5 tonnes will not be subject to toll charges if the towing vehicle has a TPMLM of 3.5 tonnes or under.• Vehicle toll requirements apply to vehicles intended or used for road haulage.• Trade businesses are from tolls under certain conditions.The most convenient way to pay is with an onboard unit (OBU) provided by Toll Collect, European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) providers, or their sales partners.Paying with an OBU requires registering with Toll Collect and arranging an installation appointment after installation, set the weight as "<7.5 tonnes". With an OBU, the automatic collection will occur on motorways and federal roads from the 1st of July, 2024.Alternatively, you can pay the toll on the Toll Collect or via their before starting your journey.To be eligible for the craftsperson exemption, the following applies:• Only employees of the trade business can drive the vehicle.• The materials, equipment, or machines transported must be necessary to carry out the services and work of the trade business.• The handcrafted goods transported must be produced, processed, or repaired in the tradesperson's business.You can register your trade vehicles online at . Trade businesses can discover more information about the exceptions on Toll Collect's page.There are commercial truck bans on driving during certain times to reduce traffic and keep roads safe. The ban is applicable on Sundays, meaning truck drivers with a truck weighing over 7.5 tonnes cannot move it from 12 am to 10 pm. In addition, there is also a driving ban on the following public holidays:• New Year's Day 1st of January• Good Friday 18th of April• Easter Monday 21st of April• Labour Day 1st of May• Ascension Day 29th of May• Whitsun 8th of June• German Unification Day 3rd of October• Christmas and Boxing Day 25th & 26th of DecemberDuring the main holiday period, from the 1st of July to the 31st of August, the truck driving ban applies on Saturdays, meaning truck drivers are not allowed to drive between 7 am and 8 pm when there is a high frequency of vehicles on the roads.