Susie Jones
Noticias • 4 min leer

¿Los conductores prefieren los aparcamientos a las estaciones de servicio?

Creado: 19/08/2024

Actualizado: 19/08/2024

En 2022, en el Reino Unido se registraron más de 5.000 denuncias de delitos contra el transporte de mercancías, lo que supuso una pérdida de aproximadamente 66 millones de libras. El aumento de los delitos contra la carga supone una amenaza crítica para las cadenas de suministro, las empresas y los consumidores, lo que causa una gran preocupación en el sector del transporte.

Según un informe publicado por la policía de Cambridgeshire, el 46% de todos los robos de carga se producen en calles y aparcamientos, y el 27% en estaciones de servicio. A pesar de ello, la escucha social demuestra que muchos conductores siguen aparcando en los apartaderos por diversos motivos.

Los problemas del aparcamiento en un apartadero

Para los conductores, aparcar durante la noche en un apartadero suele ser la opción más sencilla y económica. Sin embargo, presenta varios inconvenientes que pueden repercutir negativamente en la salud mental y la seguridad del conductor.

  • Instalaciones - Los conductores necesitan más instalaciones, como aseos, duchas y comida. La falta de instalaciones limpias puede aumentar la incomodidad e influir negativamente en el sueño, la concentración y la salud mental.

  • Seguridad de los conductores - El estacionamiento en zonas de descanso supone un riesgo añadido para la seguridad de los conductores. Según un estudio de la AA, dos tercios de los accidentes mortales en los que se vieron implicados vehículos parados en una autovía se produjeron en apartaderos, y más de la mitad de los vehículos afectados eran camiones.

  • Robo de carga - El sector experimentó un aumento del 380% en el robo de carga entre junio y julio de 2023, lo que pone de manifiesto la necesidad de aparcamientos seguros. Con ladrones oportunistas en los aparcamientos, los conductores corren el riesgo de perder su carga y las flotas, millones de libras.

Por qué los conductores aparcan en apartaderos

A pesar de los riesgos, la escucha social realizada a través de Facebook sugirió que el 70% de los conductores se mostraban menos inclinados a elegir un aparcamiento para camiones que un apartadero por varias razones:


Los comentarios en las redes sociales sugieren que el 43% de los camioneros optan por no aparcar en una parada de camiones o estación de servicio debido a la falta de medidas de seguridad.

"Sólo aparco en apartaderos o polígonos industriales. Cuando he aparcado en servicios/paradas de camiones, me han cortado las cortinas", afirma el camionero Luke.

La seguridad de las paradas de camiones en todo el Reino Unido ha sido un tema candente de debate en el sector del transporte, en el que los conductores han solicitado más apoyo del Gobierno para proporcionar instalaciones de seguridad adicionales. Según comentarios anteriores, los conductores querían que el [gravamen para vehículos pesados] ( se invirtiera en aparcamientos más seguros, higiénicos y asequibles.

En las redes sociales, el 59% de los camioneros afirmaron que el Reino Unido carecía de suficientes paradas de camiones seguras en comparación con Europa. Una opinión respaldada por los comentarios de SNAP's Truck Park Tour, donde el 31% de los conductores europeos afirmaron que se beneficiaban más del acceso a las ubicaciones exclusivas y seguras de SNAP. La organización de seguridad TAPA goza de un amplio reconocimiento en Europa, con muchos emplazamientos que cuentan con certificaciones de nivel 1, 2 ó 3.

Por el contrario, en el Reino Unido sólo hay dos locales con certificación TAPA, acreditados por auditores autorizados con formación SNAP PSR de nivel 3. Formula Services y The Red Lion cuentan con una certificación de nivel 3, con un delito denunciado en The Red Lion y ninguno en Formula Services, a pesar de su ubicación en una zona de alta criminalidad.

Markus Prinz, Director Senior de Normas, Formación y Certificación de TAPA, explica: "Apoyamos plenamente todas las actividades encaminadas a garantizar una infraestructura de aparcamiento eficiente y segura para camiones y a mejorar la seguridad de los conductores de camiones, los vehículos y la carga. Al proporcionar un ecosistema abierto para la optimización técnica y económica del estacionamiento seguro de camiones, creemos que se puede impulsar la transición hacia el estacionamiento seguro de camiones."

Reticencia de la empresa

El 30% de los conductores declararon que sus empresas de flotas no estaban dispuestas a pagar paradas de camiones o estaciones de servicio. Un conductor explicó:

"Cada vez menos empresas, por desgracia, pagan por el aparcamiento nocturno, las instalaciones permanecen abiertas por los pelos, recortan personal para hacer frente a las facturas y entran menos aparcamientos".

Paradas de camiones al máximo de su capacidad

"Se puede saber qué paradas tienen seguridad, ya que están llenas a las 6 de la tarde".

El 70% de los conductores expresaron su frustración por el hecho de que las paradas de camiones seguras estuvieran al máximo de su capacidad, lo que no les dejaba otra opción que aparcar en un apartadero. Los comentarios del Truck Park Tour fueron similares: muchos expresaron su preocupación por el hecho de que los aparcamientos del Reino Unido estuvieran llenos antes de llegar.

Los datos de la encuesta de TfL sobre el estacionamiento de camiones en 2022 indican que, a pesar de un aumento del 12% de la capacidad in situ entre 2017 y 2022, no es suficiente para soportar el aumento del 21% de vehículos en el mismo periodo.

Reducir el estacionamiento nocturno en apartaderos

Financiación pública

El 18% de los conductores querían ver más financiación del Gobierno para apoyar las instalaciones de seguridad. En septiembre de 2023, el Departamento de Transporte concedió 8 millones de libras a 39 instalaciones en carretera en toda Inglaterra para mejorar las instalaciones y la seguridad. El equipo de Acceso y Seguridad de SNAP está empezando a apoyar a las empresas que obtuvieron financiación poniendo en marcha sus mejoras. Se dispone de más financiación, hasta 100 millones de libras esterlinas, hasta 2025, en virtud del plan de cofinanciación del Gobierno.

Instalaciones de seguridad

Para ofrecer una zona segura a los camioneros, las paradas de camiones pueden invertir en sólidas instalaciones de seguridad: productos como CCTV, ANPR, interfonía, barreras y quioscos refuerzan la seguridad del lugar y disuaden de la actividad delictiva. SNAP Access & Security combina productos de seguridad a medida y experiencia en el mercado para proteger a las personas, los vehículos y el contenido de las paradas de camiones.

¿Pueden los camioneros dormir al borde de la carretera en el Reino Unido?

Desde el 1 de noviembre de 2017, la DVSA ha puesto en marcha nuevas normas y reglamentos relativos al descanso de los conductores en lugares como zonas residenciales y apartaderos. Los conductores podrían ser multados con hasta 300 libras si pasan su descanso en un apartadero o a un lado de la carretera.

¿Cómo se mantienen despiertos los camioneros mientras conducen?

Los conductores de camiones deben seguir las normas de descanso del tacógrafo por su seguridad y la de todos los demás en la carretera. La finalidad del tacógrafo es evitar la fatiga del conductor y garantizar que conductores y empresarios respeten las normas.

A pesar de ello, evitar el aburrimiento y la fatiga en la carretera es un reto para muchos conductores y puede afectar a su bienestar. La mayoría de los conductores prefieren escuchar música y podcasts mientras están en la carretera y prosperan gracias a la interacción social con otros conductores en las paradas de camiones y estaciones de servicio.

¿Están autorizados los camioneros a llevar pasajeros en el Reino Unido?

El camionero medio pasa unas 12 horas al día al volante. Para combatir la soledad y el aburrimiento, los conductores pueden llevar pasajeros si siguen las normas específicas establecidas por la FMSCA. Los conductores deben obtener una autorización por escrito de su empresa presentando una solicitud de pasajero; en esta solicitud debe constar la duración del viaje y las fechas.

Los requisitos comunes son los siguientes - Las pasajeras no deben estar embarazadas

  • No deben padecer enfermedades graves o crónicas

  • Deben tener diez años o más

  • Se requiere seguro médico.

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miércoles 26 febrero 2025 • Noticias


Josh Cousens

In the fast-moving world of mobility and road transport, effective is essential for keeping trucks moving, reducing costs, and improving efficiency.Whether you operate a small fleet or manage a large trucking company, the right fleet management software can transform how companies manage their vehicles, drivers, and operational expenses.Fleet management is crucial to ensuring trucks arrive where they need to be, on time, and cost-effectively.Truck fleet management minimises delays and reduces unnecessary spending by tracking vehicle performance, fuel consumption, and driver activity.Without a structured approach, fleets risk performance issues that can lead to higher operational expenses and reduced profitability.Fleet operators are greatly concerned about driver wellbeing. But, a well-managed fleet ensures correctly maintained vehicles, optimises routes to reduce fatigue, and adheres to compliance regulations.Fleet management software helps businesses monitor driver behaviour, enforce safety policies, and reduce the risk of accidents or penalties for non-compliance.Some of the most significant costs in the haulage industry are fuel expenses, vehicle maintenance, and downtime.Implementing truck fleet management solutions helps operators track fuel usage, plan effective routes, and ensure vehicles are serviced at the right time preventing costly breakdowns and unplanned repairs.With the correct data, fleet managers can make informed decisions that cut unnecessary expenses and improve profitability.Sustainability is becoming an increasing priority across the transport industry. Fleet management systems allow operators to track emissions, monitor fuel efficiency, and introduce eco-friendly driving practices that lower environmental impact.Fleets can use data-driven solutions to make strategic adjustments that align with industry regulations and corporate sustainability goals.Upscaling a truck fleet presents challenges, such as managing increased logistics complexity and maintaining productivity. Here are some challenges that fleets may encounter when scaling their fleet.• As fleets grow, advanced scheduling, route optimisation, and maintenance planning become essential to prevent delays and downtime. • Additionally, ensuring consistent safety standards and regulations becomes more difficult as the fleet expands, increasing the risk of issues and penalties. • Scaling also requires significant investment in infrastructure, such as hiring and training more drivers and upgrading fleet management software.At SNAP, we understand the challenges fleet operators face. Our network of digital solutions for the mobility industry helps businesses streamline their operations and improve driver safety and convenience.We provide access to a growing network of parking and washing locations across Europe, helping fleets reduce unplanned stops, enhance route productivity, and keep trucks moving without delays.As fleet management technology evolves, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that support the industry's changing needs.Fleet management software and data-driven insights help haulage managers streamline operations, reduce spending, and ensure their fleets operate at their full potential.Fleet management is more than tracking vehicles. It's about making strategic decisions to upgrade efficiency, reduce risks, and support long-term business growth.With the right truck fleet management approach, operators can overcome industry challenges and ensure their fleets run smoothly.Looking for more innovative fleet management solutions? Discover how SNAP's services can optimise your operations. .

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miércoles 19 febrero 2025 • Noticias


Susie Jones

Founded in 1995, Batim International Transport provides transport and freight forwarding services across Europe. The company prides itself on excellent quality and a state-of-the-art fleet consisting of SCANIA and Mercedes vehicles. The company has its headquarters in Stary Sącz, Poland is no stranger to growth. In its early beginnings, Batim started with two tractor units and now has over 500. In this short time, the company acquired many accreditations and certificates including the 2014 Best Employer of the Year and Forbes Magazine recognition in 2015. By expanding the company's fleet and improving its services, the company is constantly striving for growth.Batim International joined SNAP in the early days and continues to use its SNAP Account to book parking spaces across Europe for its large fleet. We spoke to Operations Manager, Krzysztof, who talks about the company’s experience with SNAP. SNAP provides fleets with over 450 service partners across Europe where they can use our fleet payment solution. “We joined SNAP for the no cash transactions” explains Krzysztof. A benefit for many fleets as SNAP provides a payment solution to pay without cash or a card for truck services. This payment solution can be used on items such as truck washing, Dartford Crossing, and truck parking. The latter, Krzysztof states, has been particularly beneficial. “SNAP has benefited me by giving me the possibility of booking a parking lot, so I don’t have to worry about a place for the driver.” The ability to search for a truck stop service partner through SNAP has also been an advantage for Krzysztof. He explains that "the possibility to check and find all the detailed information on many truck stops in different countries, to be sure there is everything needed regarding particular cargo and facilities for the drivers" has been one of the most useful features for him. Additionally, SNAP has huge benefits for Batim’s drivers. Krzysztof's fleet of drivers can rest assured knowing they have a large network of truck parks and depot parking sites to choose from. Krzysztof says SNAP’s “large network of truck parks" has been invaluable. Many businesses across the continent have added to their earnings with our Depot Parking Scheme. The scheme allows fleets to offer their depot parking spaces to the network and make extra cash helping drivers avoid vulnerable laybys and industrial estates. Batim International is helping to alleviate the European parking shortage by joining this scheme with their depot in Belgium. The site offers 20 spaces for other drivers when their trucks are on the road. Driver well-being has been a hot topic of discussion within the trucking community. As a demanding profession, it’s easy to see how long hours, social isolation, and a sedentary lifestyle can affect mental health. Fleets have a responsibility to look after their drivers' well-being. However, truck stops can have a significant impact too. Depot parking sites and truck stops with basic facilities can significantly improve driver well-being. Something Krzysztof and the team think is vital for their fleet of over 800 drivers. When asked about what truck stops can do to assist with driver well-being, Krzysztof states “Predominantly drivers need a clean shower and toilet.” Seemingly a simple solution to many, however, the impact it can have on a driver’s experience is substantial. Providing fleets and drivers with the support they need to run efficiently and effectively is something we pride ourselves on at SNAP. Our experienced Customer Service & Account Management team assist fleets and drivers with any queries. Something Krzysztof and the team have found useful. “We have contacted SNAP’s customer service team – via email as well as on the phone. We’ve always been met with an individual approach regarding a single case, an understanding, and goodwill from the employees of SNAP to help as much as possible” Krzysztof explains. Our fleet payment solution is used every 13 seconds across the continent to pay for truck services. Visit to join over 7,000 fleets using SNAP Account as their all-in-one fleet payment solution.

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miércoles 05 febrero 2025 • Noticias


Susie Jones

Currently, female HGV drivers in the UK make up just of all drivers a figure that has increased by over the last decade as more initiatives are introduced to promote diversity and close the driver shortage gap.A article describes the many ways the industry could attract more women into the industry: • Cultivating a supportive and welcoming work environment.• Upgrading infrastructure and amenities.• Flexible and family-friendly work arrangements.• Building clear pathways for career growth.Despite this, drivers on argued that these long-standing challenges in the industry must be addressed for everyone before new initiatives are brought in to close the driver shortage. The driver shortage has been a persistent issue for the transportation industry, but after COVID-19 and Brexit, it reached critical levels. In 2024, Europe, Norway, and the UK were missing over truck drivers a number set to exceed 745,000 by 2028 due to an aging workforce. The industry is still grappling with the consequences and is working towards implementing new initiatives to promote diversity, improve working conditions, and close the workforce gap. The Government has implemented roughly actions to deal with the shortage of HGV drivers in the UK. Including, but not limited to:• Increasing efficiency in existing supply chains.• Providing support and training for new HGV drivers.• Expanding HGV driver testing capacity.• Improving licencing processes.• Improving conditions.• Ensuring the stability of the fuel supply chain.49% of drivers on social media argued that changes must be implemented regardless of gender with 27% of female HGV drivers agreeing the sector must evolve for everyone. 24% stated the job was no longer appealing, highlighting the need for change in the industry. So, what do drivers want to see changed?55% wanted to see facilities improved for everyone:"There needs to be better facilities and better treatment full stop. The whole industry is a shambles, and we are mistreated.""The amenities are awful for all drivers, men and women."In November 2024, a found that two-thirds of drivers were dissatisfied with truckstop facilities with dirty amenities, poor food options, and a lack of social space causing significant issues. The Government and the haulage industry have taken significant measures by investing £14 million to drive innovation and improve working conditions.In October 2024, 23 successful applicants were awarded up to £4.5 million to enhance their truckstops. The upgrades will include new showers, restaurants, and enhanced security features to give drivers greater peace of mind. In addition, the scheme will create around 430 parking spaces for heavy goods vehicles. Better pay came second on the list, with 14% of drivers arguing that increased wages would encourage more into the industry:"Make it attractive to everyone, increase wages."Increasing wages will come at a significant cost for industry leaders. If the average truck driver's salary increased in line with the National Living Wage, fleet operators could face an additional £1.5 billion a year. Despite this, investment will improve retention rates, reduce recruitment expenses, and lower training costs. Offering higher salaries would not only make the profession more attractive to new entrants but would also recognise the critical role drivers play in maintaining the supply chain. Over the years, public opinions toward truck drivers have evolved significantly. The life of a trucker has often been romanticised in films and popular media leading many to believe they have it easy. However, it also presented them as hardworking heroes, an image that has deteriorated over time.Towards the end of the 20th century, perceptions shifted as working conditions got tough and truck drivers were given unfair stereotypes often due to media misrepresentation and sometimes to a few inexperienced drivers. These negative stereotypes were alleviated during the COVID-19 pandemic when public appreciation for truck drivers grew.Today, there is respect for truckers however, the industry remains plagued with negative stereotypes and attitudes. Something of which 6% of drivers wanted to see change:"Thinking back to Covid, we were deemed heroes, but afterward, it returned to normal. It's no wonder current drivers, men and women, want to leave the industry. They are sick of the rubbish treatment they face daily.""It would be nice not to be treated like you're scum."In recent years, the rise of social media has started to challenge and change negative perceptions. Many drivers are taking to platforms like TikTok and Instagram to share insights into their role, dispel misconceptions, and earn respect from those outside the industry. Feedback shows the urgent need for the haulage industry to implement changes to attract and retain existing and new drivers. The underrepresentation of women remains a significant challenge, and investing in facilities to cater to their needs is crucial. However, this investment must be inclusive and benefit the entire workforce. Countries in Europe have been hit the hardest, with many trucking companies unable to expand their business because they can't find skilled workers. Europe has an ageing truck driver population, with an . One-third of truckers are over 55 and expected to retire in the next ten years. Additionally, less than 5% of truck drivers in Europe are below the age of 25 highlighting the gap that will be left once an ageing workforce has retired. takes place on the 22nd of January and was Established by NN1 Personnel. The day aims to celebrate truck drivers and all they do for the economy and society. From our blog, , we expect the following to be prominent in the trucking industry this year:• Embracing the advantages of AI.• Tackling the gender gap and driver shortage.• Promoting a greener industry.• Increasing long-distance freight.