Susie Jones
Novinky a aktualizácie • 4 min čítania

Uprednostňujú vodiči odpočívadlá pred čerpacími stanicami

Vytvorené: 19. 08. 2024

Aktualizované: 19. 08. 2024

V roku 2022 bolo v Spojenom kráľovstve zaznamenaných viac ako 5 000 hlásení trestných činov v nákladnej doprave, čo predstavuje stratu približne 66 miliónov libier. Zvýšená kriminalita v nákladnej doprave predstavuje kritickú hrozbu pre dodávateľské reťazce, podniky a spotrebiteľov - čo spôsobuje značné obavy pre subjekty pôsobiace v odvetví nákladnej dopravy.

Podľa správy, ktorú zverejnila polícia v grófstve Cambridgeshire, sa 46 % všetkých krádeží nákladu stalo na uliciach a odpočívadlách a 27 % na čerpacích staniciach. Napriek tomu sociálny prieskum ukazuje, že mnohí vodiči naďalej z rôznych dôvodov parkujú na odstavných plochách.

Problémy s odstavnými parkoviskami

Parkovanie cez noc na odstavnom parkovisku je pre vodičov často najjednoduchšou a najekonomickejšou možnosťou. Predstavuje však niekoľko nevýhod, ktoré môžu mať negatívny vplyv na duševné zdravie a bezpečnosť vodiča.

  • Zariadenia - Vodiči potrebujú viac zariadení, ako sú toalety, sprchy a jedlo. Nedostatok čistých zariadení môže zvýšiť nepohodlie a negatívne ovplyvniť spánok, koncentráciu a duševné zdravie.

  • Bezpečnosť vodičov - Odkladacie parkovanie predstavuje dodatočné riziko pre bezpečnosť vodičov. Štúdia AA zistila, že dve tretiny smrteľných nehôd s účasťou stojacich vozidiel na dvojprúdovej ceste sa stali na odstavných plochách - viac ako polovica zrazených vozidiel boli ťažké nákladné vozidlá.

  • Krádeže nákladu - v odvetví došlo v období jún-júl 2023 k nárastu krádeží nákladu o 380 %, čo poukazuje na potrebu bezpečného a chráneného parkovania. Keďže oportunistickí zlodeji sa zameriavajú na odstavné plochy, vodiči riskujú, že prídu o svoj náklad, a vozové parky riskujú stratu miliónov libier.

Prečo vodiči parkujú na odstavných plochách

Napriek rizikám sociálny prieskum uskutočnený prostredníctvom Facebooku naznačil, že 70 % vodičov je menej ochotných vybrať si parkovisko pre nákladné vozidlá namiesto odstavnej plochy z niekoľkých dôvodov:


Zo spätnej väzby zo sociálnych médií vyplýva, že 43 % vodičov nákladných vozidiel sa rozhodlo neparkovať na zastávke alebo čerpacej stanici pre nákladné vozidlá z dôvodu nedostatočných bezpečnostných opatrení.

"Parkujem len na odstavných plochách alebo v priemyselných zónach. Keď som zaparkoval v servisoch alebo na zastávkach pre nákladné autá, tak som mal prestrihnuté záclony," tvrdí vodič kamiónu Luke.

Bezpečnosť a ochrana zastávok nákladných vozidiel v Spojenom kráľovstve je v odvetví nákladnej dopravy horúcou témou diskusií - vodiči žiadajú vládu o väčšiu podporu pri zabezpečovaní dodatočných bezpečnostných zariadení. Na základe predchádzajúcej spätnej väzby si vodiči želali, aby sa poplatok za nákladné vozidlá investoval do bezpečnejších, hygienickejších a cenovo dostupných parkovísk.

V sociálnych médiách 59 % vodičov nákladných vozidiel uviedlo, že v Spojenom kráľovstve nie je v porovnaní s Európou dostatok bezpečných zastávok pre nákladné vozidlá. Tento názor podporuje aj spätná väzba z SNAP's Truck Park Tour, kde 31 % európskych vodičov uviedlo, že najviac profitujú z prístupu k exkluzívnym, bezpečným miestam SNAP. Bezpečnostná organizácia TAPA je v Európe všeobecne uznávaná - mnohé miesta majú certifikáty úrovne 1, 2 alebo 3.

Naproti tomu v Spojenom kráľovstve sú len dve pracoviská s certifikátom TAPA, pričom tieto pracoviská akreditujú autorizovaní audítori SNAP PSR 3. úrovne. Formula Services a The Red Lion majú certifikát 3. úrovne - v The Red Lion bol nahlásený jeden priestupok a v Formula Services žiadny, napriek tomu, že sa nachádza v oblasti s vysokou kriminalitou.

Markus Prinz, senior manažér pre normy, školenia a certifikáciu v TAPA, vysvetľuje: "Plne podporujeme všetky aktivity na zabezpečenie efektívnej a bezpečnej parkovacej infraštruktúry pre nákladné vozidlá a zvýšenie bezpečnosti vodičov nákladných vozidiel, vozidiel a nákladu. Veríme, že poskytnutím otvoreného ekosystému pre technickú a ekonomickú optimalizáciu bezpečného parkovania nákladných vozidiel možno podporiť prechod na bezpečné parkovanie nákladných vozidiel."

Neochota spoločnosti

30 % vodičov uviedlo, že ich flotilové spoločnosti nie sú ochotné platiť za zastávky pre nákladné vozidlá alebo čerpacie stanice. Jeden z vodičov vysvetlil:

"Menej firiem, žiaľ, platí za nočné parkovanie, zariadenia zostávajú otvorené len vďaka tomu, že znižujú počet zamestnancov, aby splnili účty, a menej parkovacích miest prichádza."

Zastávky nákladných vozidiel s maximálnou kapacitou

"Ktoré zastávky sú zabezpečené, sa dá zistiť podľa toho, že do 18.00 sú plné."

70 % vodičov vyjadrilo svoju nespokojnosť s tým, že zabezpečené zastávky pre kamióny sú maximálne vyťažené, takže im nezostáva nič iné, ako zaparkovať na odstavnej ploche. Podobný názor vyjadrili aj účastníci prehliadky parkovísk pre kamióny - mnohí vyjadrili svoje obavy z toho, že miesta v Spojenom kráľovstve sú plné ešte pred príchodom.

V údajoch z prieskumu TfL 2022 o parkovaní nákladných vozidiel sa uvádza, že napriek 12 % nárastu kapacity na mieste v rokoch 2017 - 2022 to nestačí na pokrytie 21 % nárastu vozidiel v rovnakom období.

Obmedzenie nočného parkovania na odstavných plochách

Vládne financovanie

18 % vodičov si želá, aby vláda poskytla viac finančných prostriedkov na podporu bezpečnostných zariadení. V septembri 2023 ministerstvo dopravy pridelilo 8 miliónov libier 39 cestným zariadeniam v Anglicku na zlepšenie zariadení a bezpečnosti. Tím SNAP pre prístup a bezpečnosť začína podporovať spoločnosti, ktoré získali finančné prostriedky, realizáciou ich zlepšení. Ďalšie finančné prostriedky až do výšky 100 miliónov GBP sú k dispozícii do roku 2025 v rámci vládneho programu spolufinancovania.

Bezpečnostné inštalácie

Na zabezpečenie bezpečného priestoru pre vodičov nákladných vozidiel môžu zastávky investovať do robustných bezpečnostných zariadení - produkty ako CCTV, ANPR, interkom, zábrany a kiosky posilňujú bezpečnosť na mieste a zabraňujú trestnej činnosti. Spoločnosť SNAP Access & Security spája na mieru šité bezpečnostné produkty a odborné znalosti trhu s cieľom chrániť osoby, vozidlá a obsah na zastávkach pre nákladné vozidlá.

Môžu vodiči nákladných vozidiel spať na okraji cesty v Spojenom kráľovstve?

Od 1. novembra 2017 zaviedol DVSA nové pravidlá a predpisy týkajúce sa odpočinku vodičov na miestach, ako sú obytné oblasti a odpočívadlá. Vodiči môžu dostať pokutu až do výšky 300 libier, ak strávia prestávku na odpočívadle alebo na okraji cesty.

Ako zostávajú vodiči nákladných vozidiel počas jazdy v bdelom stave?

Vodiči nákladných vozidiel musia v záujme svojej bezpečnosti a bezpečnosti všetkých ostatných účastníkov cestnej premávky dodržiavať pravidlá tachografu. Účelom tachografu je zabrániť únave vodičov a zabezpečiť, aby vodiči a zamestnávatelia dodržiavali pravidlá.

Napriek tomu je predchádzanie nude a únave na cestách pre mnohých vodičov náročné a môže ovplyvniť ich pohodu. Väčšina vodičov uprednostňuje počas cesty počúvanie hudby a podcastov a vyžíva sa v sociálnej interakcii s ostatnými vodičmi na zastávkach kamiónov a čerpacích staniciach.

Môžu mať vodiči nákladných vozidiel v Spojenom kráľovstve cestujúcich?

Priemerný vodič nákladného vozidla strávi za volantom približne 12 hodín denne. V rámci boja proti osamelosti a nude môžu vodiči prepravovať cestujúcich, ak dodržiavajú osobitné predpisy stanovené FMSCA. Vodiči musia získať písomné povolenie od svojej spoločnosti predložením žiadosti o prepravu cestujúcich - v tejto žiadosti musí byť uvedené trvanie cesty a dátumy.

Spoločné požiadavky sú tieto: - Cestujúce nesmú byť tehotné.

  • Nesmú trpieť závažnými alebo chronickými zdravotnými ťažkosťami.

  • Musia byť staršie ako desať rokov

  • Zdravotné poistenie je povinné.

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streda 20 novembra 2024 • Novinky a aktualizácie


Miranda Blake

The need for efficient solutions has never been more critical. SNAP Account is a powerful alternative to traditional fuel cards, providing a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that simplifies payments and enhances operational efficiency. By addressing key pain points such as cost control, administrative burden, and driver satisfaction, we’re paving the way for a new era in fleet management. is an all-in-one fleet payment solution that revolutionises how drivers handle various expenses. Utilising just the vehicle's licence plate number, they can pay for a range of services, including:: Access to over 380 dedicated truck parks across Europe ensures that they always have a safe and secure place to rest. With more than 230 facilities available, keeping vehicles clean is hassle-free. Drivers can refuel at partner stations, streamlining operations. Automated payments for tolls eliminate the need to manage cash.We significantly reduce the burden of carrying multiple cards or cash, as our software consolidates these various payments into a single system.For fleet managers, the tasks associated with fuel cards can be overwhelming. Thankfully, SNAP Account makes these processes straightforward in several ways:All transactions are compiled into one invoice, drastically reducing paperwork and administrative overhead. This feature simplifies tax reporting and financial management, saving valuable time. There’s the possibility of adding as many vehicles as needed and grouping them according to type or destination.Such automation and centralisation ensures that fleet managers can focus on strategic decisions rather than getting bogged down in paperwork.SNAP Account offers powerful tools to optimise expenses:Fleet managers can set restrictions and authorise purchases, ensuring that expenses stay within budget. Exclusive rates at our partner fuel station, Certas Energy, allows for significant savings. Unlike traditional fuel card systems, there are no initial setup or subscription fees, making it easier to get started. We eliminate the surcharges typically imposed by fuel card companies for truck stop services, ensuring transparency in pricing.These features empower companies to manage their fuel and service spending effectively, leading to improved profitability.Interested in how others benefit from SNAP? .SNAP Account is designed with the driver in mind, offering numerous advantages that enhance their experience on the road:Forget juggling multiple cards or cash. The simplicity of using just the vehicle's licence plate for transactions is a game changer. With access to over 600 service partners across Europe, they can easily find the services they need. The app allows for easy booking of truck parking spaces, ensuring that drivers can secure their spots in advance.By simplifying life on the road, we enhance fleet efficiency and boost driver satisfaction, making us the preferred choice for many operators.In an industry where security is paramount, SNAP Account incorporates several robust features to protect fleet assets:Each transaction is based on a registered number plate, which ensures that only authorised personnel and vehicles can make payments. Managers can set limits, reducing the risk of misuse. Many partner locations offer enhanced security features, providing peace of mind for drivers.These measures work together to create a secure environment for fleet operations, safeguarding both vehicles and finances.Fuel cards have been a cornerstone of fleet management for years, but traditional fuel cards often come with hidden fees, limited service options, and cumbersome administrative processes. In contrast, addresses these shortcomings by offering a modern, comprehensive solution that caters to the demands of contemporary fleet management.Wondering how others have benefited from SNAP Account? Here’s what some fleet operators have to say:“SNAP has transformed our operations. No more hassle with receipts; our drivers simply use their registration. It’s a game changer." "The flexibility SNAP provides has been invaluable. Our drivers can park without worrying about upfront payments, and the invoicing is seamless." "The ease of use is unparalleled. Our drivers can book parking and pay without the need for cash or cards, making their jobs much simpler." "SNAP has improved our efficiency and reduced costs significantly. It's an essential tool for our fleet."If you’d like to reap the rewards for your own fleet operations, get in touch by calling +44 (0)1603 777242.

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pondelok 18 novembra 2024 • Novinky a aktualizácie


Miranda Blake

Optimising routes is paramount for fleet operators seeking efficiency and cost-effectiveness. SNAP Account provides a comprehensive approach to route optimisation, ensuring that both drivers and fleet managers can navigate the complexities of the road with ease. Let’s delve into the various aspects of route optimisation, highlighting its benefits and overall impact.Route optimisation involves strategic planning of travel paths to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve service delivery. The primary goal is to determine the best routes for vehicles, considering factors such as distance, traffic patterns, and delivery schedules.By minimising travel distance and time, companies can significantly lower fuel expenses and vehicle wear and tear. Timely deliveries better customer trust and satisfaction, leading to repeat business. Efficient routing allows drivers to complete more in less time, boosting overall productivity.Real-time data can help in adjusting routes dynamically. Understanding the limitations and capabilities of each truck is crucial for effective planning. Adhering to specific times is essential for customer satisfaction.Our , SNAP Account, is revolutionary. Designed to streamline various aspects of operations, including route optimisation, it connects drivers, fleet operators, and service providers through an integrated platform. As a result, it ensures seamless communication and efficiency.Through the and our , we provide access to a network of over 600 service partners across Europe, including truck parks, washes, and fuel stations. Such information can help fleet operators plan more efficient journeys by identifying convenient stop locations.The platform allows users to reserve spaces at over 160 Depot Parking Sites, which can help them to avoid wasted time and potentially optimise their routes to include pre-booked stops. With SNAP Account, drivers can access various services like parking, washing, and refuelling at numerous locations across Europe. This extensive network can contribute to more flexible and efficient route planning. Our portal allows fleet operators to manage multiple truck services for all their vehicles on one account.Interested in how SNAP Account improves fleet management in practice? .Effective fuel management is integral to route optimisation. SNAP Account incorporates tools that help fleets monitor and control fuel consumption.An alternative to traditional fuel cards, allows for seamless fuel management.Fleet operators can access detailed reports on expenditures, helping them to identify trends and areas for improvement. By partnering with Certas Energy, we’re able to provide SNAP Account users with discounted fuel rates, further reducing operational costs.A well-optimised route not only benefits the fleet operator but also enhances the overall experience for drivers.The platform streamlines these processes for drivers, eliminating the need for cash or fuel cards.They can pay for services using their vehicle licence plate numbers, simplifying transactions. All expenses are consolidated into a single invoice, cutting administrative burdens.As the industry continues to evolve, embracing technological advancements will be crucial for staying competitive. Fleet operators looking to optimise their routes and improve overall efficiency should consider adopting SNAP Account as their primary fleet management solution. It not only enhances operational performance but also contributes to a more sustainable future for the transport industry.If you’d like to reap the rewards for your own operations, get in touch by calling +44 (0)1603 777242.

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štvrtok 14 novembra 2024 • Novinky a aktualizácie


Miranda Blake

Haulage companies in the UK and Europe can significantly reduce the risk of vehicle and cargo theft. Protecting the lorry is not just about securing the vehicle itself; it involves a holistic approach that includes technology, training, community engagement, and proactive planning. With the right measures in place, fleet managers can ensure the safety of drivers and the integrity of assets, fostering a secure environment for their operations. Enhance your vehicle's security by employing various devices such as padlocks, uniquely numbered seals, and tilt cords. These should be applied immediately after loading to create an additional layer of protection against unauthorised access.Conducting thorough checks is essential. After each stop, take a moment to inspect your lorry and its cargo. Look for any signs of tampering or suspicious activity. Vigilance is critical in preventing theft incidents.Maintain a comprehensive vehicle security checklist. It should be readily available for review by Border Force officers or other authorities when required. This not only demonstrates your commitment but also aids in the investigation process if theft occurs.Opt for parking spaces that are well-lit and busy. Areas with high pedestrian traffic and surveillance cameras are less appealing to thieves. Whenever possible, use designated secure parking areas that are equipped with perimeter fencing and advanced surveillance systems or security personnel. These locations provide an added layer of safety. For overnight parking, choose places that are illuminated and monitored.Find safe truck parking on your transit route using the .Incorporating advanced technology can significantly bolster your vehicle's security. Equip your lorry with modern systems, including GPS tracking, immobilisers, and panic alarms. These not only deter theft but also aid in recovery if an incident happens. Moreover, plotting your journeys effectively can help you avoid high-risk areas. Utilise software that allows you to map out delivery routes while steering clear of known hotspots for cargo theft. By implementing telematics and GPS technology to monitor your vehicle in real-time – you’ll be able to track its location and ensure adherence to planned journeys.A well-defined set of security protocols is essential for all drivers. As a , you may provide comprehensive written guidelines detailing security measures they should follow. Such an approach ensures everyone is on the same page regarding safety practices.You should train drivers on how to effectively use the systems installed in their lorries. Familiarity with these devices can enhance their effectiveness. It’s also a good idea to educate them about potential threats and the importance of vigilance. They should be aware of common tactics used by thieves and how to respond appropriately.Keeping your trucks in optimal condition reduces the risk of breakdowns that could lead to theft. Implement a proactive maintenance schedule to ensure your vehicles are always in good working order. Regular checks can prevent mechanical failures that may leave your lorries vulnerable.Establishing clear communication channels is vital for effective security management. Maintain open communication between drivers, dispatchers, and security personnel. This allows for immediate reporting of any suspicious activity or vehicle issues. Encourage drivers to check in periodically throughout their shifts. Engaging with the local community can enhance your security measures. Collaborate with other businesses and local law enforcement to share information about potential threats. A collective approach can increase awareness and lead to more effective crime prevention strategies. Participate in community initiatives that focus on this – building relationships can create a support network that aids in protecting your assets.Having a solid plan in place for emergencies can mitigate the effects of theft. Develop clear protocols for responding to incidents. It should include steps for reporting it, contacting law enforcement, and notifying your insurance provider. Ensure that all drivers are familiar with these – they should know how to act quickly and effectively.Training drivers to be aware of their surroundings can prevent theft. Educate them on how to identify suspicious activity around their vehicles, and encourage them to trust their instincts and report any unusual occurrences. Moreover, stress the importance of prioritising personal safety over cargo. If confronted by a thief, they should comply and report the incident to authorities as soon as it’s safe to do so.We provide a smart payment system that automatically records and tracks fuel transactions. When drivers refuel their vehicles at any of the 3,500locations across the UK, they simply present their SNAP Fuel card to pay for the transaction, which eliminates the need for cash or credit cards, streamlining the process.The system automatically adds each fuel transaction to the account associated with the vehicle's licence plate number. Such automation removes the need for drivers to manually collect and submit receipts, reducing administrative burden and potential for errors.Fleet managers receive monthly itemised invoices that provide a detailed overview of activity for all their vehicles, which allows for easy monitoring of fuel consumption and spending across the entire fleet.SNAP Fuel integrates with other SNAP Account services, enabling fleet managers to monitor not just fuel transactions, but also parking and washing services in a single account, providing a comprehensive view of operations and expenses. .